

Biofumigation is a modern thing and still quite unknown to most vegetable growers and stakeholders along the supply chain. Which is surprising since biofumigation offers a wide range of beneficial effects on soil and plant health which finally might results in lower application rates of pesticides.

Biofumigation has two mechanisms of action. The mechanism of catch crop is used to defeat nematods. By breeding special lines nematods do not get the nutrient they required to build up the next generation. The nematods die and the population cycle is interrupted. The second mechanism uses natural ingredients of certain brassica species and generates gases called isothiocyanates. They are toxic to many soil-borne fungi and bacteria but safe beneficial soil organisms.

As previously mentioned biofumigation is a new and the entire crop needs special handling and management. We are pleased to offer you our service and training in using biofumigation in the right way.